Ambassadors. Zhytomyr as seen by Valerii Kharchyshyn.
"In the Ambassadors project, well-known Ukrainian artists become informal guides to the cities where they spent some of their most formative years. In the fourteenth episode, the frontman of the band Druha Rika ('Second River' — tr.) will introduce us to the thousand-year-old city of Zhytomyr, which became the singer's second hometown when he was a student. Zhytomyr is an administrative and industrial centre which is dramatically building up its potential for tourism, thanks to the interesting attractions and monuments in the region."
Full story here.
"Ukraїner. The Movie". Motoball.
"Motoball is an exclusively European sport originating from France, which has gained enormous popularity in Ukraine during Soviet Union times. Motoball tournaments and several motoball teams have survived until today only on enthusiasm of players, coaches, and few spectators. In Kamianets-Podilskyi motoball has already been existing for 52 years, and with a lack of local teams' success in other sports, the Podillia motoball club has become famous in Ukraine during this time. There is a separate motoball stadium that you can find only in Kamianets-Podilskyi. Here, motoball is a local highlight, still unknown to many guests."
I took these photos during my first trip with the Ukrainer team. I've taken photos of heroes and backstage of the film "Ukraїner. The Movie".
You can watch the movie here and read full story about motoball here (without my photos).
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